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The Emotional Health Pillar

Emotional Health Program Goal

Practice a daily stress reduction technique—be that mindfulness, recognizing your triggers, or anything else that helps you feel in control.

Here's Why

Studies show that stress levels affect weight. There are a lot of reasons for this, but they all boil down to the fact that stress influences hormones that cause the body to store energy as fat. 

Building techniques to identify and manage stress can decrease the production of these hormones, while also helping to cultivate awareness around situations that might trigger overeating. 

The Emotional Health Program

Developing your own stress-reduction practice takes time, and everyone moves toward their Emotional Health Program Goal at a different rate. You might already have tools that work for you or these techniques might be totally new. Both are fine! We’re here to help you no matter where on your path you might be. In fact, that’s exactly how the program is set up. Deep breath. Now, release.

Emotional Health GUIDES

Managing stress and creating space for your emotional health is not a matter of flipping a switch or applying more discipline (sound familiar?). It’s a process of finding what works for you. Our expert-driven guides and worksheets are always here for ideas and support.

Looking for additional help in creating some space for yourself and getting on top of your emotional health? These are some products our coaches and Expert Health Council recommend.

Learn More

Pillar Pages are your roadmaps for the Calibrate program. Explore them all: Food Pillar (+ Metabolic Jumpstart Page), Sleep Pillar, Exercise Pillar, and Emotional Health Pillar.