Member Success With Cristina

Learn more about Calibrate for Employers
Article published on May 11, 2022
Meet Cristina, a real Calibrate member who was living with obesity and tired of her lack of success with traditional weight loss programs. When Cristina completed the Calibrate program with her spouse, her quality of life improved, she experienced reduced joint pain, and she achieved an astounding 25% weight loss.*
“Calibrate isn’t a magic pill or a diet. It’s a science-backed program that addresses your biology, mental health, lifestyle choices, and food habits—and mine are forever changed for the better.”
Name any diet or weight loss program: Noom, Weight Watchers, Keto, Atkins, Intermittent Fasting. I’ve tried them all, and they never worked. My weight always got stuck at a certain threshold. So in January 2021, I started researching the options I hadn’t tried.
There weren’t many, but I discovered Calibrate and spent six weeks researching the program. My conclusion? Calibrate wasn’t a diet at all. By combining a doctor and GLP-1 medication with an accountability coach and a structured curriculum, it was going to address my personal biology, medical history, and my physical and mental wellness.
I’ve always been hesitant to take any medication on a regular basis. So GLP-1 medication gave me pause, but now, it’s one of the aspects I’ve been most grateful for. By suppressing my intense cravings, making me feel full more quickly, and giving me the energy to be more active, it helped me break my old habits so I could establish new ones.
“GLP-1s are the bridge between your biology and habits. It gives you the power to make better decisions and change your habits—for good.”
My husband, Randy, is also a Calibrate member and we often talk about how sustainable this program is, despite our busy lives. Together, we’ve raised five kids together, Brady-Bunch style, and we all love to celebrate food. We’ve adapted a number of our favorite meals over the last 11 months, but my favorite by far was our Christmas Eve meal.
Randy’s big Italian family spends every Christmas Eve day deep-frying shrimp. This year, we challenged ourselves to recreate the recipe to fit the food triangles, while keeping the essence of the tradition. Needless to say, the family loved (and preferred) Christmas Eve shrimp the Calibrate way!
“It’s been fun for Randy and me to tweak our favorite meals—like my grandmother’s gumbo—to fit the Calibrate food triangles.”
Beyond our successes in the kitchen, Calibrate really has reset my metabolic health. It’s crystal-clear in all of my metrics, and I can just feel the difference.
“I can walk farther, my back and knee aches are essentially gone, and my newfound energy allows me to enjoy things in life so much more.”
For my 54th birthday, I wanted a roller-skating party—something I hadn’t done since I was 14! Just after roller skating with the family, I ran a 5K. Which, I never would’ve considered before Calibrate, because I didn’t think I could finish. But I did. In terms of what I want to do and can do, Calibrate has opened up a world of options. There’s been this return of youthfulness.
“To be at a weight I haven’t seen since my early 20s is pretty exciting, and it’s amazing to be on a journey where my best life is the goal.”
In eleven months with Calibrate, I’ve lost 25% of my body weight.* I didn't think I could get here, because I’ve experienced a lot of failures. But it was never my fault. My biology just wasn’t prioritized in any of the programs I’d tried before Calibrate. This program does exactly what it says it will do. It works.
“Here’s my advice to anyone thinking about Calibrate: Just do it. Don’t listen to all the other ads. Do this for you.”
Cristina’s story likely looks like that of 40% of your employee population—living with obesity and related chronic pain, and tired of options that don’t work. Learn how Calibrate can help your employees achieve sustainable weight loss through our metabolic health platform, driving outcomes and reducing your total cost of care.
*Results not typical; average Calibrate members lose 15% of their body weight in 12 months. Read more here.

Calibrate is the leading metabolic health platform uniquely combining medication access management with intensive lifestyle intervention to catalyze enduring physiological changes and deliver sustainable, cost-effective results. Learn more.
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